The Growth Method

A methodology of best practices for technology providers to optimise internal processes, supplier automation, customer management and growth.

The Growth Method is the process of transforming your current business model into a platform business model with ChannelCenter as the platform-as-a-service provider. The core principle of the ChannelCenter platform model is decoupling revenue growth from costs through strategy, technology and processes resulting in higher profitability as you scale your business. The Growth Method is the steps to implement the platform business model, which unlocks exponential growth.

The Growth Method has two paths to success:

The simple route

Follow the steps in the stages without drilling into the theory of platform models and how the ChannelCenter platform design principles are delivered. To proceed with the simple route, you can proceed directly to the stage steps.

The advanced route

Understand the theory and implementation of ChannelCenter's platform design principles while understanding the implementation steps. To proceed on the advanced route, continue reading.

The ChannelCenter Platform Design

ChannelCenter's platform design enables low-friction participant onboarding and allows customers to extract value with low/no operational processes by your internal team. Using technology to automate and integrate your standard processes lowers the cost of operations while increasing your ability to scale with the same resources and capacity.

Platform Participants

Platforms are designed to facilitate interactions between different user bases or participants, whereby all participants derive value. In the ChannelCenter platform, these participant groups are; your company, your customers and your suppliers; the platform enables you to receive goods from your suppliers, package those goods with your resources, skills and IP, and then help your customers consume the unit of value.

The key to platform success is ensuring participants are seamlessly onboarded onto the platform and can unlock value quickly. Considering that, in most cases, the participants have been interacting with each other and are comfortable in their current process. The Growth Method uses a subtle and unforced mechanism to transition your participants.

The platform's core unit of value

Your core value unit is a collection of business outcomes for your customer; to deliver these outcomes, the technology provider needs complete a series of processes. The core unit of value may be as simple as a mouse or as complex as multi-year full outsourcing of all a customer's technology.

The core processes facilitate the exchange of the core unit of value.

Your customer researches (online search – public information) the outcomes they want to drive, and your skill and resources articulate the customers' needs and package the correct solution (Packaged IP).

You then source the exact offerings from your supply chain (Sales Automation); once sourced and packaged, they are sent to your customer.

If they accept, you must deliver (procurement, provisioning and delivery) and maintain the solution. Now that you have articulated an offering and delivered it to your customer, you maximise the return on your investment by finding more customers with the same need.

You can do this directly by marketing your offering, or you can partner to resell it for you. Or more clearly defined;

  • Search for the solution to the business outcome
  • Sourcing, quoting, customer approval, ordering, procurement
  • Package IP
  • Provisioning and consumption of offerings
  • Route to market

Technology provider

(MSP, Reseller, System Integrator)

The four stages of platform adoption

The stages to adopt the platform model are a combination of participant interactions, facilitating the movement of the core unit of measure via the processes delivered by the ChannelCenter products.The stages plot the most straightforward, friction-free route to successful adoption; they are in line with avoiding the pitfalls of platform success, which may originate from several different sources. One common point of complexity is participant adoption; hence, the Growth Method focuses on enabling participants' adoption; typically, participant users do not like change and resist any change in principle. The stages' order prioritises user adoption by skilling the users to fulfil their new digital processes.

ChannelCenter's products

The core processes in your platform model are facilitated by ChannelCenter products.

Core processes


Search for the solution to the business outcome

Sourcing, quoting, customer approval, ordering, procurement

Sales Automation
CPQ Quoting
Get going by following the arrow to growth

Package IP

Get going by following the arrow to growth

Route to market

B2B Private
Get going by following the arrow to growth
Get going by following the arrow to growth
Get going by following the arrow to growth

Core processes

Search for the solution to the business outcome
Sourcing, quoting, customer approval, ordering, procurement
Package IP
Route to market
Stage 1

Your digital foundation

Profitable scaling means automating process to save costs.

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Stage 2

Your growth mechanism

Acquiring new customers at an affordable cost.

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Stage 3

your IP

Platforms need repeatable, scalable offerings to sell.

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Stage 4

Scaling using platform dynamics

Combine all the different components to accelerate your growth.

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