Marketplace Ecommerce

Choose ChannelCenter Marketplace eCommerce

Your eCommerce environment for new customers showcasing your unique offerings.

Live distribution & vendor feeds into your public eCommerce store allows you to market more offerings directly from from your aggregated catalogue to new customers.

Maximise your products and services reach and sales with eCommerce and open up your business to a world of possibilities with eCommerce.

By seamlessly integrating live distribution and vendor feeds into your public eCommerce store, you can exponentially increase your product exposure and offer customers the convenience of one-click purchases.

Say goodbye to limited offerings and hello to a world of new customers waiting to discover your catalogue.

Sell faster and competitively with ChannelCenter's Sales Automation. Say goodbye to manual quote creation and lengthy order turnaround times.

ChannelCenter streamlines every step of the sales process, from customer requests to asset management, with its Sales Automation solution.

Our platform aggregates vendor and distribution feeds, allowing for direct quote creation and a seamless digital customer quote approval process with automated fulfillment.

Plus, our workflow automation reduces the need for manual sales interventions, giving you more time to focus on closing deals. With standardised quoting templates and centralised financial visibility, the entire sales process is efficiently managed in one place. You'll enjoy compliance, cost and complexity reduction, and greater visibility into the quote and invoice status for faster, more competitive selling. Choose ChannelCenter for streamlined, simple, and successful sales automation.

Increase your revenue with bundling

Bundling can help you increase your revenue by upselling more items and creating customer loyalty. Bundling can also enhance your customer experience by simplifying the purchase process and providing more value for money.

Create an Enhanced Customer Experience with Customised Banners

Customised banners are a powerful way to promote your products in the marketplace. You can create banners with direct links to your product pages so customers can easily find and buy what they want.

This can increase your revenue by upselling your products, improve your customer experience by providing relevant information, and reduce your cost of sale by saving time and resources.

Grow revenue with net new customer acquisition today

Net new customer acquisition is attracting and converting new customers for your business. It is a key strategy to grow your revenue and market share. Some benefits of net new customer acquisition are:

  • Increase revenue: By adding new customers, you can increase your sales volume and generate more income for your business.
  • Upsell: By acquiring new customers, you can introduce them to your other products or services and increase their lifetime value.
  • Reduced cost of sale: By focusing on net new customer acquisition, you can lower your marketing and sales expenses per customer and improve your profitability.

Highlight the features and benefits of your services

Our platform lets you create and showcase your services to potential customers. You can highlight the features and benefits of your services and how they can solve your customers' problems.

By creating services on the platform, you can increase your revenue, reduce your cost of sales, and save time.

Get your online store to stand out and make it easier for your customers to find you with a unique CNAME

A unique CNAME is a custom domain name you can assign to your e-commerce website. It allows you to brand your online store and make it easier for customers to find and remember. Some benefits of using a unique CNAME are

  • Increase revenue: A unique CNAME can boost your SEO ranking and drive more organic traffic to your website. It can also enhance credibility and trustworthiness, leading to higher conversion rates and repeat purchases.
  • Customer experience: A unique CNAME can improve customer experience by creating a consistent and seamless journey across your website. It can also reduce confusion and frustration caused by redirects or broken links.
  • Reduced cost of sale: A unique CNAME can lower your sale cost by saving you money on hosting fees and domain registration. It can also simplify your website management and maintenance, as you only need to update one domain name instead of multiple ones.

Ecosystem participants

Unlock new digital opportunities for all channel participants. Drive down your cost of sale, create industry leading services and grow your channel ecosystem.

Many more

As part of the The Growth Method

Transform your demand-generation skills from predominantly a traditional sales approach to a digital marketing-led strategy, which includes launching your eCommerce store and driving traffic.

Reduce your customer acquisition and servicing costs, setting the stage to scale at a low cost while limiting your costs.

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