Unlocking Business Growth with the Power of the "One Metric That Matters" (OMTM)

The concept of the "One Metric That Matters" (OMTM) comes into play. Introduced by Alistair Croll in his book "Lean Analytics," OMTM is the beacon that guides businesses toward their true north, emphasizing a singular, mission-critical metric that directly influences growth and return on investment (ROI).

Unlocking Business Growth with the Power of the "One Metric That Matters" (OMTM)
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In the ever-evolving landscape of business and entrepreneurship, staying on the path to growth can be a daunting task. With an abundance of data and metrics at our disposal, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters for your business's success. That's where the concept of the "One Metric That Matters" (OMTM) comes into play. Introduced by Alistair Croll in his book "Lean Analytics," OMTM is the beacon that guides businesses toward their true north, emphasizing a singular, mission-critical metric that directly influences growth and return on investment (ROI).

The Problem with Vanity Metrics

In the age of digital marketing and data analytics, it's all too tempting to focus on metrics that may look impressive but lack any substantial impact on your bottom line. These are known as "vanity metrics." They include likes, shares, comments, and follows on social media, among others. While these metrics may stroke your ego and make you feel good about your online presence, they often have little to no bearing on your actual business outcomes. The danger lies in becoming ensnared by these alluring but ultimately empty numbers.

OMTM: A Beacon for Growth

The OMTM concept addresses the issue of vanity metrics by redirecting your attention to what genuinely drives business growth. It's about identifying the one key metric that, when improved, has the most substantial impact on your company's growth and ROI. This could be a metric like customer acquisition cost, conversion rate, or revenue per customer.

OMTM Examples

To understand how OMTM works in practice, let's look at some examples from well-known companies:

  1. Square - "Gross Processing Volume" (GPV): Square, a payment processing company, uses GPV as its OMTM. This metric directly correlates with the transaction-based revenue they generate. The higher the GPV, the greater their revenue.
  2. Airbnb - "Number of Nights Booked": For Airbnb, a company in the vacation rental and tourism industry, the number of nights booked is the OMTM. Their revenue is directly tied to this metric since it's the essence of their business.
  3. Amplitude - "Weekly Querying Users" (WQU): Amplitude, a SaaS product analytics provider, uses WQU as its OMTM. It shows the volume of customers using their service, which directly impacts their ROI and growth.
  4. Salesforce - "Average Records per Account": Salesforce, a CRM platform and service provider, tracks "average records per account" as its OMTM. This metric measures customer engagement and has a significant impact on growth and revenue.

Finding Your OMTM

Discovering your OMTM can be a transformative process for your business. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Determine Your Growth Stage: Start by identifying your company's growth stage, whether you're a startup, a growing business, or a mature enterprise. This will help you align your OMTM with your specific growth goals.
  2. Analyze the Pirate Funnel: The Pirate Funnel, consisting of Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue, can be a valuable framework for identifying the bottleneck in your business that needs attention.
  3. Select Success Metrics: Choose metrics that have a direct impact on ROI and growth. Be vigilant about steering clear of vanity metrics that may lead you astray.
  4. Establish a Reporting Schedule: Regularly track your OMTM to gauge whether it's having the expected impact on your growth. Adjust your strategies as needed to keep your focus aligned with your growth objectives.

Getting Expert Guidance

Identifying the right OMTM for your business can be a challenging task, but you don't have to go it alone. Organizations like Growth Mentor connect entrepreneurs and growth marketers with experienced mentors who can help you navigate this journey. These mentors have the expertise to guide you in finding the perfect OMTM tailored to your unique business needs.


In the world of business, it's easy to get lost in a sea of data and metrics. However, the OMTM concept provides a clear path to navigate through the noise. By focusing on the one metric that truly matters for your growth, you can unlock the potential for business success and ensure that your efforts have a meaningful impact on your ROI. So, take the first step in discovering your OMTM and steer your business toward a future filled with growth and prosperity.

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